Expert IT Support and Services

Innovec provide services across Ayrshire & Glasgow.

Business IT Support

  • Proactive IT support
  • Regular onsite and remote maintenance check-ups
  • Tailored IT solutions for your business

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Business Telecoms

  • VoIP and cloud-based phone systems
  • Business mobiles
  • Business broadband

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Microsoft 365

  • Enhanced security and communication
  • Access documents, emails and teams from anywhere
  • Up-to-date compliance and updates

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Case Studies

  • Hear from other customers
  • Find out about what makes Innovec unique
  • Join other happy customers in Glasgow

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Our Approach

What makes Innovec different


  • Our offices are positioned strategically around our customers.
  • Innovec teams are made up of local experts, who are designateddedicated to your business.
  • On the rare occasion something goes wrong, we can be onsite the same day.



  • Every business has different IT needs, our IT solutions are tailored specifically to your business.
  • Our team carry out regular site checkups to build real relationships with your team.
  • Always speak to an engineer who understands your set-up.


Peace of Mind:

  • We manage your IT, you run your business.
  • Proactive weekly checks on your core systems, to prevent issues before they happen.
  • Full transparency on the work we are doing, the impact it will have and why.



  • Owner-managed, so we understand the needs of growing businesses.
  • Reliable service – we pride ourselves on the level of support we provide.
  • Continuous improvement – We always look to improve our processes, to protect our customers.

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