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Free Space Gray iPhone 6 Stock Photo

Let's face it, iPhones are amazing devices. But even the sleekest, most powerful iPhone can succumb to the dreaded slowdown. Apps take forever to load and scrolling feels sluggish. Pretty soon, simple tasks become frustrating ordeals.If your iPhone has gone from speedy sidekick to sluggish snail, don't despair! We are sharing some easy tips to get your iPhone back in tip-top shape.Give it a Restart: The Digital Power NapThis might seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised! How long has it been since you’ve turned off your device? Just like us, iPhones need an occasional reboot. Restart your phone....

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Free warning alert detected vector

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries. It offers businesses innovative solutions and automation capabilities. But with this progress comes a growing concern: AI data breaches. As AI becomes more integrated into our systems, the risks increase. The data it collects, analyzes, and utilizes becomes a target. A recent study on AI security breaches revealed a sobering truth. In the last year, 77% of businesses have experienced a breach of their AI. This poses a significant threat to organizations. A breach can potentially expose sensitive data as well as compromise intellectual property and disrupt critical operations. But wait before you hit the...

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Expand Your Laptop Battery's Lifespan

In today’s fast-paced business world, laptops are essential tools for productivity. Whether you’re working remotely, attending meetings, or analysing data, your laptop is your trusty companion. However, one critical aspect that often gets overlooked is the battery lifespan. A healthy battery ensures uninterrupted work and prevents unexpected shutdowns. In this blog, we’ll explore practical strategies to extend your laptop battery’s life, benefiting both your business and your employees. 1. Optimise Power Settings Adjust Brightness And Screen Settings Lower the screen brightness to conserve energy. Set shorter sleep and screen timeout intervals to prevent unnecessary battery drain. Use Power Save Mode Enable the built-in power saver mode...

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Misconfiguration of cloud solutions is often overlooked when companies plan cybersecurity strategies. Cloud apps are typically quick and easy to sign up for. The user often assumes that they don't need to worry about security because it's handled. This is an incorrect assumption because cloud security is a shared model. The provider of the solution handles securing the backend infrastructure. But the user is responsible for configuring security settings in their account properly. The problem with misconfiguration is huge. It’s the number one cause of cloud data breaches. It’s also an unforced error. Misconfiguration means that a company has made a mistake....

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Did you know that windows has lots of quick and easy keyboard shortcuts to do certain tasks? We have gathered a few below that are easy to remember to illustrate what can be done with your keyboard that may make using windows easier. Follow these tips and you will be on course to mastering all versions of Windows. Tip #1 – ALT – TAB Alt-Tab lets you switch between your open windows to find a program or file you have open, which could be quite useful if you have lots of windows open on your taskbar. Alt- tab lets you quickly browse...

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A business Guide To Recovering Lost Files

In the digital age, data is the lifeblood of any business. From financial records to client information, the integrity and availability of data are paramount. However, files can sometimes seem to vanish into thin air, leaving businesses in a state of panic. But fear not, for lost does not mean gone forever. This blog will guide you through the steps to locate and recover those elusive files, ensuring your business remains on the steady path to success. Understanding the How and Why: Before diving into recovery, it’s crucial to understand how files can become lost. Common culprits include; Accidental deletion caused by human...

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