September 2023

Free robot technology artificial vector

LinkedIn has become an invaluable platform for professionals. People use it to connect, network, and explore business opportunities. But with its growing popularity have come some red flags. There has been an increase in the presence of fake LinkedIn sales bots. These bots impersonate real users and attempt to scam unsuspecting individuals. This is one of the many scams on LinkedIn. According to the FBI, fraud on LinkedIn poses a “significant threat” to platform users. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of fake LinkedIn sales bots. We’ll explore their tactics and provide you with valuable tips. You’ll learn...

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Free cyber security internet security computer security illustration

Let’s dive into a topic that might give you the chills—cybersecurity skeletons in the closet. You may not have old skeletons hidden away in the basement. But there’s a good chance of cybersecurity vulnerabilities lurking in the shadows. Just waiting to wreak havoc. You can’t fix what you can’t see. It’s time to shine a light on these hidden dangers. So, you can take action to protect your business from potential cyber threats. Let's get started uncovering threats that could leave your business in danger. Here are some of the most common cybersecurity issues faced by SMBs. Outdated Software: The Cobweb-Covered Nightmare We get...

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We all know the importance of cybersecurity practices for businesses and the implications that could occur if there aren’t effective cybersecurity practices in place and your business falls victim to cyber criminals.  Below are Some Issues Being Hacked Will Have On Your Business Loss of reputation Loss of funds Damaged credit rating Loss of confidential data Loss of trust Losing clients Log in credentials being stolen Unauthorized purchases Personal data being sold on the dark web Identity fraud But How Does Climate Change Affect Cybersecurity? This article will show how climate change and cyber security intersect.Just like knowing about cybersecurity as most of us have either heard or experienced phishing or heard of...

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6 Reasons Why Access Management Has Become A Critical Part Of Cybersecurity

Access management is a critical component of cybersecurity in any business setting. It involves controlling who can access organizational resources, such as data, networks, and applications, and what actions they can perform. The goal of access management is to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information and systems, and that these resources are protected from unauthorized access and misuse.The importance of access management in business cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Without proper access controls, businesses are vulnerable to various security threats, including data breaches, insider threats, and malware attacks. For example, if an employee with access to sensitive...

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turned on two flat screen computer monitors with speakers

Two monitors are often better than one when it comes to getting things done efficiently. A dual-monitor setup can significantly enhance your productivity. This is true whether you're a creative professional, or an office wiz who loves to multitask. A study by Jon Peddie Research found that dual displays can increase productivity by 42%. But it’s not as simple as just setting up an extra screen. It’s common for people to feel “off kilter” when trying to work from two monitors. They may even find it harder despite having more screen real estate. The cause is usually the setup. They either have...

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This article has the aim to arm you with the appropriate knowledge to take back control of your businesses cyber security. Cybercrime in increasing.  Cyber criminals for the purpose of extortion, can threaten to shut down your computer systems, steal or publish confidential data, take over your social media platforms, steal customer data and employee data. They are a threat to your business! Are Your Staff Phishing Aware? Phishing is a type of attack that is carefully planned out by cybercriminals. It can be targeted to a specific company, or it could be a mass email going to millions of businesses. Phishing can be...

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