April 2023

Top 5 Common IT Problems & DIY Solutions

Some IT niggles may cause an inconvenience to your day, or they could impact your day negatively; decreasing your business productivity and efficiency whilst increasing your stress levels as a business owner.  No one likes to have a bad day at work!At Innovec, we hear a variety of IT concerns and niggles, but some are fairly common.  Sometimes the most common of problems have a nice simple DIY solution.We have put together this article with the Top 5 Common IT Problems that we hear of regularly, with DIY solutions to rev up your business momentum again. Top 5 Common IT Problems Files...

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Free Shinjuku Ward Building photo and picture

Imagine you’re going about your day when suddenly you receive a text from the boss. The head of the company is asking for your help. They’re out doing customer visits and someone else dropped the ball in providing gift cards. The boss needs you to buy six £200 gift cards and text the information right away. The message sender promises to reimburse you before the end of the day. Oh, and by the way, you won’t be able to reach them by phone for the next two hours because they’ll be in meetings. One last thing, this is a high priority....

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We all want to keep our computers as secure as possible, so it’s vital to keep them up to date with high quality security software.  In this article, we will explain about the software, what they do and how they can help YOU.You can keep your systems secure by installing, maintaining, and proactively monitoring industry leading anti-virus, firewall, and malware prevention, and security software. ESET Endpoint Security Software ESET Endpoint Security provides top quality security software that protects your systems in the office, at home and in public spaces, safeguarding your business systems, and your team, no matter where they are.It protects...

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Free Online Banking Banking Operations illustration and picture

There are a lot of things that have changed since the invention of the internet. One of these is how we bank and access our accounts. You used to have to go into a local bank branch to make deposits and withdrawals. Now, you can take a picture of a check and deposit it from your phone. Approximately 73% of people around the world use some form of online banking at least once a month. People have never had such convenient account access. But that convenience can come at a cost. In 2021, account takeover fraud increased by 90%. New account fraud...

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Are webcams safe? Are you aware of your webcam ever being compromised? Most people won’t be aware if it does in fact happen which is worrying. This blog is about educating and giving advice on Webcam Security.In the past there has been reports of webcams being hacked. The thought of that happening is horrendous but reading about it is terrifying.Technology advancing is a wonderful thing, it is always evolving and improving. Although we have all grown to love and be dependent on technology, many of us are slightly naïve on the security aspect. We all like to be in a...

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person using MacBook Pro

Whether you sell shoes or run an accounting firm, you need some type of technology to operate. Today’s companies aren’t just in the business of selling their own goods and services anymore. They also must master various types of digital tools. These include software, payment systems, computers, Wi-Fi networks, mobile devices, and more. Companies also need to protect their devices and network.. If that technology isn’t working, it can impact a business significantly. 98% of surveyed organizations say that just one hour of IT downtime costs more than £81,000. The reliance on technology means that every company is now a technology company. This...

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