March 2020

In line with the instructions from the government, we are now operating remotely with all staff able to access our critical systems easily from home. Whilst the situation is far from normal, the cloud-based technology we use as a business ensures that we will still be able to provide almost all of our day-to-day services remotely and ensure that we continue to support your business in the coming weeks and months.  Following a number of calls and questions from customers regarding our own approach to remote working, we were keen to share a few things below to explain the tools we are using and how they are...

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Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jo-leeeeeeeeeene…just one of the many songs we’ve been advised to sing as individuals to ensure we wash our hands for the appropriate amount of time to prevent the spread of Corona Virus. However, with more and more cases of Covid-19 being confirmed every day in the UK and advice from the government to isolate wherever possible, the need to facilitate remote working has been forced on every business in the country almost overnight. We know that it can be confusing for businesses who ultimately just need to know that their people are safe and healthy, and where...

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