November 2023

Sometimes people ask “When I call, can I speak directly to an IT Technician that can help?” We think this is a very good question. No one wants to be passed around or be stuck in a call queue when they need help urgently with something or short on time.  This article will be to answer this question and provide clarity. The answer is Yes. Speaking to someone who can help with your IT requirements every time you call is our promise. Speak Directly To An IT Technician Who Can Help We are NOT a call centre.  Actually our IT Technicians are...

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MacBook Pro turned-on

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has revolutionised the way businesses operate. It offers convenience, scalability, and efficiency. No more dragging software from one device to another. Everyone can collaborate easily in the cloud. But alongside its benefits, SaaS brings with it potential threats. When software and data are online, they’re more vulnerable to attacks. One of the latest threats to move from endpoint devices to the cloud is ransomware. Ransomware has been around attacking computers, servers, and mobile devices for a while. But recently there has been an alarming uptick in SaaS ransomware attacks. Between March and May of 2023, SaaS attacks increased by over 300%....

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white laptop computer on white table

Advanced AI is a new buzzword in cloud computing. The launch of tools like ChatGPT and Bard have made big waves. Developers are now racing to introduce the next level of features to apps. Features that do part of your work for you. Such as writing emails or making follow-up checklists based on contact data. These AI-based applications do much more than automate processes. People are using them to write business correspondence, create websites, and write scripts. AI is also quickly transforming the everyday office workflow. Microsoft is one of the biggest players in the office application field. It’s at the forefront...

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Free Turned on Silver Imac With Might Mouse and Keyboard Stock Photo

In today's world, sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a necessity. Businesses around the globe are increasingly embracing eco-friendly practices. This isn’t only for the positive impact on the environment. It’s also for the benefits they can bring to the bottom line. Sustainable technology habits are not only about reducing your carbon footprint. They’re also about improving efficiency, cutting costs, and attracting environmentally conscious customers. “Going green” can mean saving more dollars, besides helping the planet. Below, we'll explore several sustainable tech habits you can adopt. These are not only good for the environment but also a win for your business's bottom...

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How to protect your business from Ransomware Attacks

It's vital yourself and your team are well prepared and equipped for the possibility of a ransomware attack.  The battles most won are the battles that are well planned out and prepared for with the appropriate tools and knowledge to win the battle, or in this case… Ransomware Attack. The Effects Of Ransomware On Businesses Once a ransomware attack occurs, most businesses get hit again within a year of the attack taking place. Never pay the cybercriminal to decrypt your files, the chances of them decrypting them are slim and the will continue blackmailing for more money.You must know what to do in...

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Good communication is key for success in any business or company.  Traditional phone lines will soon be a thing of this past, in December 2025 we will experience the BT switch off.  Openreach will cut off all copper-based networks. This means, for businesses to be able to communicate with each other, they will need to use the internet to make and receive calls.Another term used for cloud phones is VOIP, which stands for ‘voice over IP’ because it runs through the internet instead of traditional phone lines. The broadband however, needs to be strong and stable.Cloud Phones/VOIP has many advantages...

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Breached or stolen passwords are the bane of any organisation’s cybersecurity. Passwords cause over 80% of data breaches. Hackers get in using stolen, weak, or reused (and easily breached) passwords. But passwords are a part of life. Technologies like biometrics or passkeys haven’t yet replaced them. We use them for websites, apps, and more. So, companies need a secure way to share passwords with employees. As well as help them manage those passwords more effectively. Cybersecurity threats are rampant and safeguarding sensitive information has never been more critical. Properly managing passwords securely is a top priority. At the same time,...

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How To Choose The Right Cybersecurity Services For Your Business

Cybersecurity is a vital aspect of any business that relies on the internet for its operations, communication, and transactions. However, not all businesses have the same cybersecurity needs, challenges, and resources. Therefore, it is important to choose the right cybersecurity services that suit your specific requirements and goals.But how do you know what kind of cybersecurity services you need? Assess Your Current Cybersecurity Posture Identify your assets, threats, vulnerabilities, risks, and controls. You can use various tools and frameworks to help you with this process, such as:Cyber Essentials: This is a certification scheme that shows you how to put technical measures in...

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