How Cloud Phones Will Create Better Communication & Collaboration

How Cloud Phones Will Create Better Communication & Collaboration

Good communication is key for success in any business or company.  Traditional phone lines will soon be a thing of this past, in December 2025 we will experience the BT switch off.  Openreach will cut off all copper-based networks. This means, for businesses to be able to communicate with each other, they will need to use the internet to make and receive calls.

Another term used for cloud phones is VOIP, which stands for ‘voice over IP’ because it runs through the internet instead of traditional phone lines. The broadband however, needs to be strong and stable.

Cloud Phones/VOIP has many advantages for businesses, we will go though each of them in thus article as well as how to choose the right one for your business.

The advantages of using cloud phones over traditional phones

  • Lower Costs – Cloud phone systems are much cheaper than traditional, on-premises telephone systems.

  • Faster Implementation & Setup – Cloud phone systems are easy to install and configure, as they do not require any physical infrastructure or wiring. They can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.

  • Easily Supports Remote Work – Cloud phone systems enable employees to work from anywhere, as they can access the same phone system and features from any device and location. They also facilitate team collaboration and communication through messaging, video calls, and file sharing. They also offer call forwarding and transfer.

How to choose the right cloud phone for your business

Our VOIP solution of choice is Xelion cloud phone which was a winner in the comms-business awards. It is extremely popular and used by thousands of businesses across Europe.  Xelion is easy to use and has fantastic call quality which is crystal clear.  It has some extra features such as Missed call alerts, team availability and messaging, call recording and listening features for staff training.  All it needs to run is a decent internet connection and the VOIP telephone app installed on your smart phone and a softphone installed onto your computer.

Call us today for more information about VOIP Cloud Phone Systems and how they can work for your business.