Top 5 Common IT Problems & DIY Solutions

Top 5 Common IT Problems & DIY Solutions

Top 5 Common IT Problems & DIY Solutions

Some IT niggles may cause an inconvenience to your day, or they could impact your day negatively; decreasing your business productivity and efficiency whilst increasing your stress levels as a business owner.  No one likes to have a bad day at work!

At Innovec, we hear a variety of IT concerns and niggles, but some are fairly common.  Sometimes the most common of problems have a nice simple DIY solution.

We have put together this article with the Top 5 Common IT Problems that we hear of regularly, with DIY solutions to rev up your business momentum again.

Top 5 Common IT Problems

  1. Files Not Opening
  2. Printers Not Working
  3. Nothing Showing On Your Screen
  4. Changes Made To Files Have Not Synced
  5. Applications Suddenly Stop Working

Files Not Opening – DIY Solution

The Solution:

Restart your device.  This can often be caused by programs failing or crashing. A restart of your PC gives your system a fresh start.

Printers Not Working – DIY Solution

The solution:

Check the printer has enough paper and ink.  Turn the printer off then back on. You can double click the printer icon to view what’s in the queue to be printed and the status of the printer.  Check that the “use printer offline” is not selected as this will prevent printing.

Nothing Showing On Your Screen – DIY Solution

The solution:

Double check the monitor is correctly plugged into the power outlet and into the correct port on the PC itself.  If it still doesn’t function, a call to the support team may be required.

Changes Made To Files Have Not Synced – DIY Solution

The solution:

Double check OneDrive is running, this will show as a blue cloud icon, on the bottom bar of the screen.

Applications Suddenly Stop Working – DIY Solution

The solution

Restart your device.  If this is the first time this has happened, it can usually be ignored but repeated issues with the same error would need checked by a technician.

Long Term Solution For All IT Concerns

DIY solutions are great, but not all IT concerns are minor and have a DIY fix.  That’s where IT Support companies come in. The first step is to find a company you can trust.

Read here for an idea of things to look for in an IT Support company. For any advice or help regarding your IT infrastructure, our Support team here at Innovec will be happy to have a chat with you.