Implementing a VoIP Phone System: Innovec and Parris & McNally  

Implementing a VoIP Phone System: Innovec and Parris & McNally  

Prestwick-based accountancy firm, Parris & McNally, boasts years of experience in the financial industry, from accountancy to finance management. Since their inception in 2019, the business has grown quickly to 12 staff and provides financial consultancy to businesses across Scotland. With a forward-thinking approach, the firm believes that investing in technology enables them to stay ahead of the curve and focus on offering proactive support to its clients.  


With an increased requirement to support remote and site-based work, Parris & McNally identified the need to implement a VoIP phone system when their previous phone contract was due to renew. After noticing Innovec in a prior edition of the Ayrshire Chamber Magazine, Lucy Parris contacted Innovec’s Managing Director, Iain Wham, to explore their options.  
Innovec met with the team to demonstrate their Xelion (VoIP) system, with Parris & McNally signing soon after. Since the implementation, Innovec has worked closely with the business to ensure staff understand the new system and are able to make, receive and transfer calls from wherever they are working. In addition, the system also facilitated welcome messages, voicemail responses and call recording.  


Impressed by the level of service throughout the on-boarding processes, including regular site visits and rapid telephone support, Parris & McNally have already extended their services from Innovec by adopting them as their broadband provider.  P&M Director, Lucy Parris, echoed this sentiment, commenting: 
“As a growing, Ayrshire-based, owner-managed business ourselves, we know how important local businesses are, both to the area and the wider economy. From our first engagement with Innovec, it was clear that they were aligned to our approach and values, with a real focus on customer service facilitated by investment and development of their own team. “
“Most importantly, they have implemented a telephone system which works for our business. We can relax knowing that clients, prospects, and team members can all speak with each other easily. In addition to that though, they actually listened to what we needed, showed us what their solution offered, explained everything in plain English and delivered an excellent project at a fair price. What else could we ask for?” 

Both Innovec & Parris and McNally have been happy with how the relationship has developed over the last few months, Iain Wham, Innovec’s Managing Director shared his thoughts on P&M becoming an Innovec customer: 

“When I noticed that Parris & McNally’s tagline was ‘Accountancy for a Digital Age’ I was really excited to meet them.  Most of our customers are family-run or owner-managed businesses existing in a digital age. This doesn’t mean that everyone needs to be flying around on hovercrafts so much as they need the right combination of technology and support to make it possible, or easier, for their people to keep up with consumers’ [justifiably] accelerating consumer expectations. “

“Lucy and Colin have built an excellent business and a great team in the space of a few years. We have really enjoyed the projects completed to date and hope to continue to work with the firm for years to come as they continue to grow.”    

Innovec works with over 200 businesses in Ayrshire & Glasgow, focusing on providing local, growing businesses with reliable IT support. As an owner-managed business themselves, Innovec understand the business challenges of IT and aims to offer a proactive service so they can get on with what they do best, without worrying about their IT. Both P&M and Innovec are excited about working together and seeing what the future holds.