What Is VOIP & How It Benefits Businesses Of Any Size

What Is VOIP & How It Benefits Businesses Of Any Size

VOIP is becoming increasingly more popular than traditional phone line systems, as calls can be taken and transferred from anywhere. This is because VOIP runs over the internet instead of copper lines so this makes it cost efficient and secure.

A softphone app can be installed onto your mobile device and computer to make it easier to transfer calls.  An example of this is;  The call is ringing on a computer, one member of the team answers but the person is wanting to speak to the person they spoke to last time, the call is transferred to that persons computer but it is an important call and that person is leaving to go to a meeting so the call is then transferred to his mobile so he can talk on the go even when not at his desk.

Is VOIP Beneficial To Small Businesses?

The short answer is YES. VOIP is beneficial to businesses of any size, large companies and small companies.

With the right credentials the calls can be answered from any location, benefiting small businesses which may not always be in the office.  VOIP is also perfect for small businesses as it can grow with the business.

VOIP works out cheaper than a traditional landline phone, especially if the business makes a lot of international calls.  VOIP is extremely cost effective.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of VOIP?


  • Cost effective to use
  • Cheaper international calls
  • Grows with your business
  • Take and transfer calls from anywhere even when not in the office
  • Advanced features for small and large teams
  • Clearer voice quality
  • Portability for if you are on the go


  • It depends on the strength of the broadband connection
  • A generator would be needed in the event of a power cut
  • Voices can distort and calls may lag if the connection cuts out or gets weak

Next Steps

Click here to have a read at how implementing a VOIP phone system has helped our client; Parris & McNally.

To have a chat about VOIP and how it can help YOU, give Innovec a call today to schedule a demo at a time which suits you.